Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NO more condemnation

today I watched a sermon video by Ps.Joseph Prince. his sermon was talking about "Grace & Favour".
He said one thing that striked me a lot, it was about the story in John 8:1-12. When there is condemnation, there will be more sin produced. but in verse 11, Jesus said to the adulteres woman, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." Jesus takes all the condemnation toward our sin, so that we can sin no more. but nowadays, what most happens is the opposite ,"Don't sin, then I will not condemn you."

on the verse 6 in John chapter 8, it was said that "But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger,..". remember who wrote the ten commandments? it was God Himself, isn't? and who is Jesus? Jesus is God! When He wrote on the ground with His finger, He redeemed us from the law, He gives us GRACE.

When we are in Christ, there is NO MORE CONDEMNATION (Romans 8:1). we live under the grace, not under the law. How beautiful it is to live in Jesus :). However, this message doesn't ask you to keep sinning because there is no more condemnation, no! you'll know what I mean :)


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

End of my degree... Grace of God.

tomorrow will be my final presentation for this semester, and after that I have finished the degree (^__^)
3 years has almost finished, all of the journey in Brisbane. if I looked back, I realise that I can't finished all these years without His grace.
I had problems with socialising in Australia at the very beginning of my year, and it affected my studies. timid and a bit low self esteem. I enjoyed alone at home and did my homeworks at home. I could not stayed long at uni because I was afraid to meet my friends because I did not know what I should say for conversations.
however, I learnt how to adapt. I tried to know them and understand how they live, their culture, and everything.
these few days, as I was getting busy preparing for my assesment, I neglect my time with God.
but then, during these weeks, especially last week on the Sunday's sermon, I was reminded that relationship with God is important.
one thing that I learn about realtionship with God is how we have relationship with the person we love as well. relationship with God is not something that can be played around, but it is something that we have to fight for. we need to protect, nurture just like in any other human relationship.
do not come to God only if we have request or asking for blessing (of course God will be happy to bless us).
in each of us, there is Holy Spirit. he always there to accompany us. so, start having conversation with Him. don't neglect Him. in any circumstances, talked to Him (just like praying), just like if we are having conversation with our friends.